Tim and Jeni

Balloon Fiesta 2013

>> Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We are in New Mexico for a few weeks during October for vacation. It's so nice to be able to spend time with family! We wanted to make sure to be here for Balloon Fiesta because it's something we've missed. We haven't seen it for 4 years and it's something we wanted our kids to experience.

There's just nothing like being on the field when hundreds of hot air balloons are being blown up and lifting off. 

So, on our second morning after arriving we got up before dawn. We left home at 4:30am, which was ok because we were jet lagging and we were awake at that time anyway.

The balloons go up at dawn so we had enough time to get some hot chocolate and donuts for the kids.

The adults got breakfast burritos...it's tradition! We love the breakfast burritos in Albuquerque...YUM!! 

The special shapes are so much fun to see. The Darth Vador balloon is probably the most popular balloon. We even watched Star Wars before we left home so that our kids would know who he is! 

Some of Darth Vador's friends were on the ground and we got to meet them after the balloon took off. Here's a picture of one of Vador's pilots in the Star Wars movie! 

Tim's parents were with us this first Saturday! It's a fun memory with them!
Here's a family picture at the Balloon Fiesta Park. Aren't we cute?
When we left the park we were soooooo tired!
Joseph and Faith quickly went to sleep once they got into the car. 

The next time we went back to the Balloon Fiesta Park was the following Friday. Faith had stayed with my parents in their camper, so it was just the three of us for a little while.
It was pretty special to have some time with just our boy!

Balloon standing up from Tim and Jeni Saltzman on Vimeo.

After a little while our friends, The Horlbecks, showed up and Joseph was having fun with his friends Sammy & Noah!
Then Faith showed up with my grandma and my parents!
Here's a group picture of my parents, my grandma and our family! We had a big group and it was lots of fun!
The kids mostly had a great time wresting in the grass and chasing each other around!
These four are good friends just like their parents!
Here they are attempting to play duck, duck, goose. I love all of the balloons behind them!
Brother and Sister....awww!!
Joseph and Sammy
Joseph, Sammy, and Noah

The two moms! I've been good friends with Renee since Tim and I got married...she's a treasured friend!
Here's my parents AKA: Grandma & Grampa.
On Saturday evening we went back to the Balloon Fiesta Park one last time to watch the Balloon Glow. The balloons don't go up, but as soon as it's dark they start to glow because of the fire.
Here are Joseph and Faith with their two grandmas....they're so blessed!

Here's a video of our group playing with the balloons glowing in the background:

Fun at Balloon Glow from Tim and Jeni Saltzman on Vimeo.


-A. October 16, 2013 at 12:28 PM  

So fun!!! I hope you have a great, restful time visiting your family! So close and so far away!

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