Tim and Jeni

Visiting Arabs w/ Tim's Parents

>> Tuesday, January 21, 2014

When our Arab friends heard that Tim's parents were coming they were excited to meet them! It was good for Tim's parents to get to experience Arab hospitality and meet some friends in our village.

The first half of their time here was still mourning time for our friends in the village. So, they came with us experience the mourning. When we go to a mourning service we need to dress respectfully and the ladies have to cover our heads.

There was one time when we went all together, but mostly we went out separately, the guys and the ladies.
One night we had dinner in the village! They guys ate with the men and the women ate with the ladies in a different room. We had the same food, though...chicken and rice! It was SO GOOD!!!
Here's a fun picture of Joseph with Papa all ready to eat on the floor! It gives you an idea of what it was like for them when you look in the background.

It's not appropriate for us to take pictures like this of the ladies. In this culture the ladies don't want their faces in pictures. So, we get more pictures of the men than the women!
Eating with their hands on the floor.
Here's a picture with all three Saltzmans!
The ladies were given a table to sit at because Tim's mom can't get down on the floor as easily. It was nice of them to treat us so well!
There were several times that our friends prepared food for us. Here we are with containers lots of chicken and rice and salad and oranges!
I really wish I had taken more than just this one picture of this visit...oh well!

One morning the ladies were invited to have breakfast at one of my friends' house. It was such a delight to have this time together! Even though it was all in Arabic, Tim's mom got to meet and see the fun personalities of a couple sweet Arab friends of mine!
Tim's friends hosted him and his dad a few times as well! They somehow would end up in houses of relatives and visiting. Some of the visits were late in the evening.
One visit we went on was to a friend's farm! A friend of ours has built a couple green houses and he has goats!
Our friend was happy to tell them about his green houses and what he grows.
After a while Gloria, Faith and I went into the house and had a nice time with his wife, a good friend of mine!
I wish I could show you a picture of her beautiful face. She's beautiful and a really sweet friend! She prepared a bunch of snacks for us including some date cookies from some dates that they grow on their farm.
The guys got to sit outside while we were inside. They also had tea and snacks!
One evening Tim took his dad with him to his class. He got to meet his students and watch Tim teach a little bit! Then we all met up together at the Institute and went to dinner!
One afternoon Tim's friend agreed to do a tour of the mosque for us. It was really nice of him to show Tim's parents around. He speaks English really well and so they could ask all kinds of questions.
Behind the mosque there's a cemetery, which was also very interesting.
here's a picture of the mosque from the cemetery.
He even took them into the room where bodies are prepared for burial. It's SO DIFFERENT from what we typically do in the states. Since Tim's parents have been in the funeral business for many years this was very interesting to them!


Anonymous,  February 8, 2014 at 6:33 AM  

Wow Jeni! What a great time you had with Tim's parents! You really were able to show them life here and had them experience the culture! So cool! What an honor that they could come and see how you guys live and the friends that you have!

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