Tim and Jeni

Trip to the Wildlife Park

>> Monday, February 11, 2013

The kids had a two and a half week break from school. I called it their Christmas break, since they didn't get a break at that time. ;) We were thankful for the time together and had a lot of fun! Since the rest of the village was also on break we arranged to go together to the "wildlife park." (It's not as nice as a zoo.) It's about a 45 minute drive away.

So we packed up our lunches and crammed into the van together! This picture was taken before 3 more kids and another mom joined us. We had a total of 8 kids and 3 moms in the van together. We had another friend following us with her three small children. 

It wasn't easy to take good pictures because we were keeping up with so many crazy kids! I didn't end up getting a picture of the entire group of 10 kids. There was also one baby, but I don't think she got to see any animals...she was asleep most of the time!
All of the kids were SO excited to go and see the animals! They loved seeing animals that they don't usually get to see...especially the ostriches!
I took this picture when I was trailing behind my friend who was trying to hurry to keep up with her three active children.
This was going to be the group picture. I liked this one the best of our two Arab friends taking a pic of all the kids!
Here's Faith with all the boys.
Here's Joseph with some of the girls.
I loved this one! Faith was sweet with the little girls!
We had a great time and we made sweet memories with precious friends that live a block away from us! 


Anonymous,  March 1, 2013 at 7:26 AM  

what a great idea to take your local friends! Looks like you guys had your hands full!

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