Tim and Jeni

Easter Reading

>> Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Saturday after Easter we had an "Easter Reading" for ladies and children from our village. We also invited other Arab friends, so it was a mixed group.

Gathering to sit and listen to a "reading" is normal for our Muslim friends. This wasn't strange at all for them. I had practiced reading Mark 15:42-16:14 in Arabic for a couple of weeks leading up to this event.

Before We sat down for the reading, we colored eggs and gave out Easter Baskets. The children found eggs that we had hidden in the yard! It was such a fun, memorable time!


Celebrating Easter

>> Monday, April 22, 2013

The true reason for celebrating Easter, the resurrection of Jesus, is the foundation of who we are! It's the most important thing that we celebrate!
It wasn't difficult for us to explain to our kids that Easter Eggs represent the new life that we have through Christ. Dyeing eggs and having an egg hunt were so much fun!

Leading up to Easter we talked so much about why Jesus had to die. If you ask our kids they'll say "he died for our sins." We also talked about how Jesus is God and he has power over death. It was such a delight to sing Easter hymns together. There's nothing like hearing Joseph and Faith's sweet voices singing, "Alive, alive, alive forevermore! My Jesus is alive, alive forevermore!" 

Joseph and Faith are familiar with the details of the Easter story. They watched a cartoon version of the story over and over and memorized it. They wouldn't stop talking about it. Of course they were ready to celebrate this foundation of our faith! 


Village Events

>> Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sometimes I join my friends for religious readings or religious weddings in the village. Joseph has gotten too big to be with the ladies, but Faith still loves to come with me! She loves to drink tea and eat treats! She's gotten really good at greeting the ladies and they love it!


Ethiopian Salon

Faith has been going to the same Ethiopian Salon since she was about a year old. Click here to read a blog about her first salon experience. The ladies are so sweet! They've enjoyed seeing her come in and this time they were all commenting about how much she's grown!

Faith's Ethiopian name, which is now her middle name, is Betelehem. Her nickname in the orphanage was Baytie. It's the same name that these ladies call her when they see her. "Here comes Baytie!" Faith doesn't seem to understand, but I think it's so sweet!


Visiting Daddy at Work

>> Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A few weeks ago when Tim was tutoring at work in the evening we stopped by to hang out with him. We stayed long enough to have a little fun and meet his student.


Birthday Celebration

>> Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My birthday is March 10th and we had a great time celebrating with our small family! I am so blessed by such a wonderful husband and great kids!

The kids were really sweet to make me feel special on my birthday, which was nice! Tim helped them make me a sweet card and sing happy birthday ...what a wonderful husband!


February and March were intense months in our country and especially in our village. These months are the anniversary of when the revolution here started. There was a lot of protesting and remembering. We stayed alert and aware of what was happening in order to stay out of the action. There was added stress in our lives because of this, but we're so thankful that God has been taking care of us! He continues to show us his comfort and grace in the midst of all of this. We're thankful that God is our Father!

Because of this I've gotten behind in blogging. I feel like I've been in a fog and now it's lifting.
"I can see clearly now the rain is gone..." 


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