Tim and Jeni

Bowling for Tim's Birthday!

>> Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yesterday was Tim's Birthday! It's so much different celebrating adult birthdays compared to kids' birthdays. Especially having celebrated Joseph's 5th birthday last week. But, we still wanted to make Tim's birthday special! So, we invited all of our American friends to go bowling with us! It was a fun time!



>> Thursday, September 6, 2012

Last weekend I (Jeni) took a quick trip to Jordan! I was gone for three days and it was a nice get-away!

Jordan is still the Middle East, but it has a different feel than the Gulf. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine are all considered a part of the Levant Region of the Middle East.

The plane ride was a little less than 3 hours long. It is amazing how relaxing it is to travel without kids! I enjoyed reading and journaling on the trip!


2 Parties in 1 Week

>> Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last week we had two parties, it was a fun & crazy time! Carie was the one who hosted both of them....she's so awesome!!



>> Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm embarrassed to say that I've lived in the Middle East for 6 years and have only recently decided to start making hummus! I got a recipe when I got to know Victoria in language school.

I don't know why I didn't make it earlier because it's one of Joseph's favorite foods. (He has many favorite foods, though.) My one excuse is that until last year I didn't have a blender.


A Quilt for Megan

I haven't been sure how to start this post about Megan. I love that girl so much and she's such a part of our family here that I don't want to admit that she's moving away from us. 

She is going to boarding school and I know she'll love it there! She's going to have so much fun living with a bunch of girls her age! 


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