Tim and Jeni

Pretty Henna Hands

>> Saturday, April 21, 2012

The day after shelling the shrimp, I went to the same friends' house and got henna on my hands! After handling the slimy seafood, it felt so good to have pretty hands!

I have blogged about henna before. You can see that blog post if you click here

I was so excited to find a friend who does henna in the village that I live close to. It takes me 5 minutes to get to her house. I hope that I will be able to go back to get henna many times! Let me know if you want to come visit and get henna with me! 

Here's a couple of pictures of the fresh henna on my hands: 



This week when I was at the park by the sea I met some new friends who live in our village. As we were talking we saw a boat pull up with big coolers. They unloaded the coolers and went out again. The ladies told me that they are catching shrimp. So I asked if they sell the shrimp.

The next morning at 6:45am shacking head in disbelief smiley, I got a call from my new friend who said, "How many kilos of shrimp do you want?" I told her I'd take 1 kilo and she said I could come pick it up at 9:00am. 

This was the start of my shrimp adventure! rolling smiley


Easter Morning

>> Monday, April 9, 2012

I got home just in time for Easter! It was so great to be back with my family again and to celebrate the most important holiday together!!

Basically the reason that we celebrate Easter is what makes us who we are! We believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried for three days and then raised again on the third day! It's only through his death that we can be set free from our sin problem.

It's awesome that Jesus has power over death! The fact that He rose from the dead means that we have the opportunity to continue living this life with a living God!



I started to feel more at home as soon as I looked out of the plane window and saw sand! Before getting home, though, I had a long layover in another country.

I was so blessed to be able to catch up with some friends that we hadn't been able to see in about 6 months! 


Trip to Kyrgyzstan

Last week week I took a trip all by myself to a homeschool conference. There aren't a lot of opportunities like this over here, so I was excited!

This conference was scheduled to be in Kyrgyzstan. I had heard the name of this country, but I didn't know where it was. I started looking up airlines that fly to Bishkek and decided to go with FlyDubai.


End of another Session

>> Thursday, April 5, 2012

Each five week session seems to go faster and faster! Last week marked the end of another session of English classes for Tim.

He had a couple of different classes. One was all women and the other was mixed.

On the last day of class two of his students who are cousins brought him a gift to say thank you!


Easter Party

Last week we had an Easter Party at my house for a bunch of ladies! It was so much fun to share our traditions with them and, most importantly, the reason we celebrate Easter!

I was so surprised at how many ladies came over to celebrate with us! They had never heard about Easter before and were surprised when we told them that this holiday is more important to us than Christmas!


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