Tim and Jeni

Teacher Tim

>> Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This weeks marks the end of another session of English classes for Tim. He has been involved in teaching Business English. It's been a new challenge for him.


Ice Skating

During this last session of English classes I had the privilege of being involved with a "Community Group." This is a weekly block of time for a group of students to meet with an American to practice their English. I had 6 girls in my group and grew to love each of them. Our last meeting time was on Monday morning.

For our final meeting my group wanted to go ice skating. I had never been ice skating with Arabs before. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!


Picnic at the Park

>> Sunday, February 19, 2012

On Friday after church we went with our friends for a picnic in the park! We had such a great time! It was a little windy, but wasn't too hot or too cold!

We are so thankful for some time to be able to spend time outside before it gets too hot. Once it's hot, we are stuck inside so much.

So we all brought food to share, which was great!



Once we finally got through Saudi, we arrived in Jordan. We had a nice time as a family in the city of Amman! 

We had great food there. Jordan is in the part of the Middle East called the Levant where they have some of the best food! We loved the Shish Tawook, Hummus, bread and Lentil Soup!


Driving through Saudi Arabia

>> Friday, February 17, 2012

We drove for 17 hours through Saudi Arabia to get to Amman, Jordan! We stayed in a hotel one night, so we didn't do it all in one day. As soon as we crossed the border into Saudi, we felt like we were in a different world. They drive differently, they dress differently, they think differently.


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