Tim and Jeni

Thankful for conversations with my husband

>> Monday, November 11, 2019

Sometimes our "alone time" means having the kids sit at a different table so we can talk a little bit. But, no matter how it comes, I'm thankful for one-on-one time with my husband. I love processing life with Tim. I love laughing and joking. I love that I can be myself with him and he still accepts me.

He's not a talkative person all the time, but I always love it when he starts talking. I love hearing his thoughts and his perspective. He's always inspired me because he really listens to me, but I also really enjoy listening to him.

When he took me out on our very first date, we just talked for hours. Ever since then we've always enjoyed just talking. Sometimes it's dreaming about what's next or processing about things that just happened. I love connecting with him through conversation! 


Thankful for Joseph's helpfulness

>> Sunday, November 10, 2019

Joseph has such a sweet, servant's heart and I love this about him! I'm thankful that he steps up and helps me so much! He takes on so much responsibility around the house. Sometimes he needs some direction, but once he knows what's expected he does just that.

Tim has told him that when he's not around, Joseph needs to take care of us three girls. He takes that seriously. In this picture he's pushing the grocery cart with his sister in it. I'm sure there's many more pictures I could have used.

I'm thankful for Joseph's helpfulness. 


Thankful for my three kids

>> Saturday, November 9, 2019

These three kids sure make my life interesting! We've been on a lot of adventures together. They're always excited about new experiences. It's fun to celebrate life with them! You won't hear me saying it's always easy...far from it. But, I wouldn't trade this life raising these three kids for anything.

I'm so grateful for the blessings that they are to me. I'm also thankful for the challenges that they've brought. I've learned so much about how to cling to the Lord. I've been so humbled and more aware of my need for Christ because of these three kids. I've also been in awe of their simple childlike faith! I have learned so much and grown so much since I became a mom. I hope that they will learn something from me too...mostly, how to depend on the Lord in everything! 


Thankful for sunsets

>> Friday, November 8, 2019

 I LOVE sunsets! I think they're so beautiful. I would say that the the Middle Eastern sunsets are the best...but then there are amazing sunsets in Colorado and New Mexico too. I just love the way the sky changes colors. Every evening it's just a little different.
Our God is so creative! He gives us such beautiful things to enjoy. It's a reflection of his glory. As we enjoy his creation, we enjoy Him! He's so good and so beautiful!


Thankful for our American citizenship

>> Thursday, November 7, 2019

I'm thankful for our American citizenship! We have freedoms as Americans (even living overseas) that so many people take for granted. I love our country and count myself blessed to have been born and raised there.
When Joseph and Faith were adopted they automatically became American citizens through parentage. As soon as they crossed U.S. soil, they were Americans. What a gift they've been given! Even though Eve was born in the Middle East, all we had to do to get her U.S. passport was make an appearance at the U.S. Embassy.
Sometimes I think about how this is a picture of our spiritual citizenship that's in heaven only because of our Father. We are given a new citizenship when we trust Jesus as our savior. In that moment, we get a new identity! That's something I never want to take for granted. 


Thankful for imagination

>> Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I am thankful that Eve has such a great imagination. When she was a baby she would sit and watch Joseph and Faith play for hours. It didn't take long for her to start using her own imagination. Her toys go on so many adventures and it's fun to listen in. When she was smaller, I'd hear her yelling in her room "Mommy! Mommy!" I'd come running only to find out that her baby doll was calling and she didn't really want me at all.

Sometimes she gets so into her play that she simply doesn't hear us when we try to interact with her. It takes a few times to say, "Eve, it's time for dinner!"

In addition to playing, she also likes to make up songs and will often be belting it out around the house. If we go to a park and she starts to feel comfortable, she'll start singing one of her songs. She will get a lot attention when she does this and she doesn't mind.


Thankful for a musical husband

>> Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Joseph and Faith are homeschooled and so we have to make sure they get all of their extra curricular needs met. I'm not musical at all, but Tim is. I'm so thankful that Tim enjoys teaching the kids their music lessons. Joseph plays the drums and Faith plays the guitar.

They're both at the beginner level with a lot of potential to improve. Now they need to learn the importance of diligent practice.

I'm just very thankful that they have the option to learn about music through their dad!


Thankful for bikes

>> Monday, November 4, 2019

I loved riding bikes in my neighborhood when I was a kid! I can almost feel the wind blowing my hair as I sped along familiar sidewalks. This is something I wanted for my kids and I'm so thankful that we have a place for them to ride bikes!

Since they homeschool, I can send them outside mid morning and they ride around for 20 minutes or so between subjects. It's good for them to be able to be outside! I'm thankful that we live in a place where I can feel comfortable sending them out to ride bikes.

Before we moved, we lived on a compound for 8 years and had a place for riding bikes. We hoped for a similar situation in our new country and we're thankful for this gift! 


Thankful for Soccer

>> Sunday, November 3, 2019

Before we moved to our new city, we started praying for things we felt we need. God has so graciously provided for all of our needs. Actually, he's blessed us with even more than we need! One of the things we prayed for was a way for Joseph to get out and be with other boys his age. We found a club that he can join and there's a soccer training 4 times a week. The other boys his age are nice to him and he's learning some good skills with the soccer ball!

I'm so thankful that Joseph has this opportunity to have a fun hobby and meet other boys. This isn't a great picture, but he's in the orange vest in the middle of the picture. 


Thankful for nice parks

>> Saturday, November 2, 2019

We are getting used to a new city in a new country. Everything seems different and it's a lot to get used to. In some ways it's fun and exciting and in some ways it just feels weird. It's very slowly starting to feel like home.

Now that the weather is starting to cool down, we're able to get outside more. During the summer it's so hot that just walking outside feels like you're in an oven. So, being able to be outside feels like such a gift!

There's a few really nice parks in our city and I'm excited to go to them! The one in the picture is 5 minutes from our house. We've driven by it so many times, but no one has been there since it's been so hot. This weekend we went to the park one evening as a family and there were families hanging out together. Some families were grilling, some riding bikes, some walking and many just sitting on a mat enjoying some tea.

I went by myself this morning (which I hope to do often during the cooler weather) and walked around. Since it was a Saturday, there were a few families there on their mats having breakfast together. I loved seeing the families together as I was walking and listening to a podcast. I'm so thankful for this park that's so inviting for families to come and spend time outside together! I'm looking forward to many more evenings and mornings there! 


Thankful for my Shepherd

>> Friday, November 1, 2019

This morning I was reading in John 10 and I found myself very thankful that I have a shepherd that leads me! I am so thankful that my Shepherd has called out to me and leads me along the right paths.
Over the last year or so I have been praying that God would lead me and guide me. He's brought me to places of rest and carried me through times of unknown and uncertainty. He's so gentle and caring, always working things out for my good and for His glory! 
This old song came to mind as I was reading and praying this morning. He knows my name! He knows me so well and is so patient with me. It actually was His design to make me the way I am and He loves me. This is so comforting to me. 


November Thankfulness

I love November! It's always such a special time of seeing changes happen. We don't always get to see the leaves changing, but we do see other kinds of changes in the Middle East. This is the time of year that the weather starts to cool down and we get to spend a lot more time outside.

This year has been full of so many changes for our family. We've seen God's hand in all of it and we're so thankful! I'm bubbling over with thankfulness and I can't wait to share it!
I plan to write a blogpost each day for the month of November as we prepare for Thanksgiving.  It has been a very long time since I've done this. A lot of time has passed by since I last made this kind of commitment to write a blog post every day for 30 days. Over time my gratitude has only grown and I have more and more things to be thankful for!


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