Tim and Jeni

Easter 2014

>> Wednesday, April 30, 2014

As Easter approached, we were excited to celebrate our risen Lord! Tim taught us the hymn, Christ Arose, and we enjoyed singing it together.

It is such a blessing to be able to enjoy the good news of the gospel together as a family. We are all so grateful for what Christ did on the cross and the power displayed in his resurrection! There's nothing more important in our lives!

The day before Easter I got henna with some of my American friends. Nothing says celebration like henna! My friend who did our henna asked why we were getting henna and I was glad to explain to her.
After getting henna we dyed eggs. I love this tradition! The kids do too!

When I snapped these pictures of my kids I was struck by how old they look! They sure are growing up!
I love these two so much! What a joy to celebrate Easter with them!
On Easter morning we got dressed up and prepared for an egg hunt at our house.
This is another fun tradition that the kids love!

It's fun to be able to celebrate Easter with these precious friends! We have great memories from last year's Easter too!
Here's a group shot...all of the kiddos including our neighbor girl.
After the egg hunt we loaded up in the car and had breakfast together with the big group! What a fun morning!
Sadly, Tim wasn't feeling good on Easter. The next day he was admitted into the hospital for Pneumonia.
We went to the hospital to see him and as soon as the dr walked in she said that we shouldn't be there because he was so contagious. Thankfully, none of us got pneumonia from him.
The next couple of days that he was in the hospital we had to do FaceTime to check in on him.
It was good to finally see him smiling again! But we were more than ready for him to come home.


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