Tim and Jeni


>> Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Arab friends have been mourning since the end of November and it will continue through January. They are mourning the deaths of the family of their prophet Mohammed.

The first 10 days were a very intense time of gathering together to listen to readings. The men would march through the streets broadcasting a lamenting story of the martyrdom of Hussein, Mohammed's grandson. There was a drum too, which really added to the mournful feeling.

I couldn't help, but to cry with them as I thought about the hopelessness. It's such a heavy feeling.

I couldn't take any pictures of the ladies, but I wanted to. They would pull a black veil over their faces and cry. Once the reading was finished they would take the veil off and talk.

I can't really identify with them, because I have hope. I am thankful that I could be with them in this time of mourning and build some friendships.

Tim also spent time with the men in the village during these 10 days. The men mourn differently than the ladies do. They beat their chests and say, "Ya Hussein." They do this to honor Hussein. The men ate together as well. It really honored them that Tim was willing to be with them during this time.

Joseph and Faith joined me a few times. There were lots of kids around for them to play with!

They noticed things and would point them out to me. I loved hearing their perspectives.

Faith said, "Mommy, why is that horse wearing a green dress?" (I didn't know the answer)

Joseph said, "Mommy, that lady over there is crying. We should pray for her!"

Even though this is a sad time, Joseph has had a lot of fun with his new friend, Hussein.

It's pretty funny to watch these two interact!! They're very close in age and both very active. Joseph tries to speak to Hussein in English and Hussein tries to speak to Joseph in Arabic.

I think that playing with him and other kids in the village has given Joseph a real desire to learn Arabic!

Here's a picture of Faith with her friend!! These two are so cute together.

I wish the picture gave you a better idea of how messy they were. They were eating cheetos and their hands were very cheesy!


Anonymous,  December 30, 2011 at 12:26 PM  

Great post Jeni! I too can't help but cry with these sweet people as I see their hopelessness...it is so sad! I'm glad that the kids are making some friends!

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