Tim and Jeni

we're under construction

>> Friday, October 5, 2012

Our village is under construction right now. Over the last few weeks it seems like the construction company has decided to dig in the most inconvenient places possible. The scene in this picture (that I posted on instagram) is right outside the kids' preschool.

Every time I see the construction signs I feel like God reminds me that I'm also under construction. I am always so grateful that God isn't finished working on me. He promises to complete His work in me. The construction process isn't pretty, but I'm thankful to know that he's working everything out for His glory and my good!

Last week a friend of mine in the village gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! I was happy to visit her in the hospital.

As I was getting ready to leave my friend said, "Now it's your turn!" I was so glad to say that I am happy and content (even sometimes overwhelmed) with my two babies...They're enough of a blessing to our family and we're not looking to add to our family!

It is a blessing, though to watch God build families around us! It makes me look forward to a few other new babies that are going to be born this year!

Since we're on the topic of family...I'd like to mention that God has blessed us with an extended family, even though we're so far away from our family in the states.

It's scenes like these that make me so happy! I'm thankful that Joseph and Faith have close friends they can grow up with!

These friends are more than friends in a lot of ways! Faith has her eyes on this little boy to marry when she grows up! ;)

She's already thinking about the sparkly white dress she gets to wear when she is the bride! 
Here's a couple of cuties in our extended family! This picture makes me laugh because it looks like they're guilty, like they know they've been caught. These two one-year-olds sure are into a lot these days!

And, little do they know, that they're worlds are about to be rocked when they both become big sisters. God's doing some construction in their families too!

I marvel at God's amazing sovereignty in each of our lives! The construction work that's going on in our village is such a picture of what's happening in our personal lives, in our families, and in the grand scheme of God getting the glory He deserves! 


Anonymous,  October 6, 2012 at 1:43 AM  

I have to say that I absolutely hate the construction in your village! It seems like they are tearing it all up, one street at a time! But I too am happy that we are family here and that you guys are part of that family!

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