Tim and Jeni

Easter 2015

>> Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter was different this year because of my pregnancy...I'm slowing down more and more these days!

But we still got to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. This holiday is the foundation of our faith and all of the details around the story have been the main topic of conversation at our house.

I love how Faith referred to "Jojo of Arimathea" and it sounded so normal! haha!

We got up before dawn and went to the sunrise service at the church here. It was really fun to celebrate with believers from so many different nationalities.

I wanted to take a family pic at the church, so we decided to do a selfie.

The first 3 didn't work out so well...ha! Each time someone's head got cut off. We finally got a good one when Tim and I crouched down to the kids' level. But then it was kind of a scene when I couldn't get back up very easily...haha!!

Later that day we went to the park and took a few pictures. Here's the winning Family Easter Picture. We're a little squinty because it was so bright...oh well.
I sure love these two! Faith LOVES wearing dresses and getting dressed up. Joseph was willing to wear his button up shirt, but only to appease me.
I should have taken a picture of her twirling...she loves dresses that are twirly. She's super girly and so much fun!
A few days before Easter we had an egg hunt with a couple American friends. It was much more low key than previous years, but the kids had fun.

After our egg hunt we dyed eggs together. This is such a fun tradition!


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