Tim and Jeni

Arabic Studies

>> Friday, July 19, 2013

The real reason we came to Jordan is to take some more Arabic classes. It's been about five years since we were in language school. We've been feeling the need to both review and fill in some holes in our Arabic.

We planned to do it during Ramadan when there weren't many classes happening at the institute where Tim teaches.

We had heard about a place in Amman Jordan that teaches about the 10 verb forms and we knew we wanted to understand this more.

Even though we've grown a lot over the years in Arabic we realize that we need to keep pushing on and learning more.

The nice thing about Arabic is that there are a lot of patterns and structure to it. We feel like if we can understand the patterns better we can add more to our understanding as we go along. So these classes have been good for us. We are even more motivated to continue growing in understanding this extremely difficult language!

This institute has hired a lady to watch kids when their parents are in class. She speaks Arabic to them and they have even practiced writing their letters. Joseph and Faith are flexible kids and they've had a great attitude about going with us. They think they're going to class too!


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