Tim and Jeni

I'm thankful for Arabic

>> Thursday, November 10, 2011

I love this beautiful language that we are learning! Arabic is so difficult and so much fun to learn. I enjoy making connections when I talk with my Arab friends. Sometimes I learn a new word when I'm with my friends and I rush home to look in the dictionary to get a better grasp of what it means.

There are some letters/sounds in Arabic that don't exist in English. It's always so funny to me when I'm trying to teach my kids these sounds!

We fell in love with Arabs as we learned Arabic from them. The culture here is so different from the States, but we've grown to really love it!

I'm thankful for the time we had in language school to focus all of our attention on learning this language. This was an extremely difficult and exhausting time, but we somehow made it through! We learned to laugh at ourselves and our mistakes, that was how we were able to cope with the stress of learning Arabic.


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