Tim and Jeni

I'm thankful for my kids

>> Wednesday, November 9, 2011

James 1:16 - 17 "Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." 

It's so obvious to me that Joseph and Faith were handpicked by God for us. Both of them fit so well in our small family as well as our extended families.

Tim and I longed for children for eight years before God led us to adopt Joseph. A year and a half later we adopted Faith.

Some people might say that we adopted them because we couldn't have biological kids, but that is so far from the truth. Adopting these two treasures was completely God's plan from the beginning. They are God's "Plan A" for our family!

There were certain qualities that I prayed for when asking God to bless us with children. Joseph and Faith fit my requests perfectly. Isn't God so good?

I have been struggling with how to put into words how thankful I am for these two. They mean so much to me! They bring me so much joy. I've learned so much about how much God loves me as his daughter. I've also seen how much I need to depend on the Lord to give me wisdom and strength to be a godly mom.

Sometimes I think about how everything worked out just right for us to have these two specific kids. If we had biological kids...we might not have gotten these two. If we had used a different adoption agency...we might not have gotten these two. If we had requested to have a girl first...we wouldn't have gotten these two. It really does all come down to the fact that God is in control. I couldn't have planned it better than He did!

Sometimes when I'm playing with or reading to them, I feel like my heart is so full of joy that it could burst! I am often bubbling over with gratefulness for the precious gift that Joseph and Faith are to me! When either of them randomly runs up to me to say, "I love you, Mommy!" I try to savor the moment. I know they won't be little for long!

Our family sure looks different than it did three and a half years ago! Here's a little collage of how our family has changed:


Anonymous,  November 9, 2011 at 2:00 PM  

I love you and your family!! You are all a blessing to those around you!

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