Tim and Jeni

Thankfulness for Eid

>> Friday, November 2, 2012

I'm thankful to be able to participate in the Eid celebrations in our village! There are two main holidays that our Muslim friends celebrate. One is right after Ramadan. Which took place in August. I blogged about it here.

The other is right after Hajj. Both Eids include getting dressed up and enjoying special food, much like we do for our holidays! There's lots of visiting going on during this time!

This Eid is longer and some people call in The Big Eid. They celebrate Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son and God's provision of a ram to die in his son's place. I always think about how this is a picture of what Christ did for us by dying in our place….the main reason that my heart is filled with thankfulness.

We enjoyed visiting and being with friends. One of their traditions is for the kids to throw a plant into the sea. When we asked them why they do this they told us that it's just a fun thing for the kids to do. It's literally called a sacrifice, but we haven't figured out how it's connected. Maybe it's a picture of throwing our sins out to be washed away since that's supposed to happen at the Hajj?!

Here's a slideshow of our pictures from Eid:

Or you can click HERE to go to the album of pictures!


Anonymous,  November 7, 2012 at 12:44 AM  

Fun times! I love Faith in her outfit!

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