Tim and Jeni

Thankfulness for my husband

>> Sunday, November 11, 2012

It's not easy to put into words how much Tim means to me. I couldn't have dreamed up a better husband. I often sit back and marvel at how well we go together! Though we're different in so many ways, his strengths fill my weaknesses! He's such a good listener and helps me to process things that happen. He helps me to see things from a different perspective.

I love to laugh with Tim! He accepts me for who I am and I can be totally silly around him. I love to see him having fun with Joseph and Faith too! He's not afraid to wrestle with Joseph and be rough. Faith is his princess and she loves it when her daddy says, "You're a pretty girl!"

It's been such a blessing to watch him grow spiritually over the years! He's definitely the spiritual leader in our family and it's not hard for me to submit to him. His meekness and his fierce commitment to God are inspiring. He never hesitates to obey God and do exactly what He feels like God is leading him to do, even when it's not easy.

There are times when I feel down and he's quick to come alongside me and encourage me. He's so good at telling me just what I need to hear. It means so much to me when he says things like "I'm so glad that you're my wife." or "You're so beautiful!"

He's incredibly good to me. The way that he takes care of me when I'm in pain is amazing! He's so selfless and goes above and beyond what I would expect him to do.

I love walking through life with Tim! It's awesome to be able to look back and see our history together. It's also exciting to look ahead and think about our future together. I couldn't have chosen a better one to grow old with!


Anonymous,  November 11, 2012 at 11:10 PM  

You two love birds!! You are both special people and I am so glad to have you in my life! And you did get a good guy there!! And he got a good girl!!!

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