Tim and Jeni

Thankfulness for an Ethiopian Salon

>> Thursday, November 15, 2012

A couple days ago Faith and I went to get her hair braided. As we were walking in, I realized how thankful I am to have an Ethiopian salon! What a blessing it is to have the opportunity to have Ethiopian ladies braid Faith's hair!

Every time we walk in Faith greets them with the one Ethiopian greeting that we remember. The ladies have known her since she was 10 months old and they always comment about how much she has grown!

They call Faith by the same nickname the nannies in Ethiopia called her: "Baity." It's short for Betelehem (which is translated Bethlehem). This is her Ethiopian name that we've kept as her middle name. We call her Faith Bethlehem a lot!

This is the sign for the Salon. I know it says "Saloon," but that's just a transliteration for the Arabic word for salon that's pronounced like saloon.

It's owned by an Ethiopian lady who is married to an Arab man. Their kids speak Amharic, Arabic, and English! I wish my kids knew more than just a few Amharic words. But, for now, it's challenging enough for them to learn Arabic and English.
Here's the door inside the building for the salon. In the Arab culture ladies and men are very separate. Only ladies are allowed to come in.

Faith's hair is getting long! I love how it goes up into the air naturally. She and I are always talking about how beautiful her hair is! I want her to have a thankful heart for the wonderful hair that God has given to her.

Here's the finished product and look how long the ponytail is! She's so happy to have it braided, especially because she doesn't have to have it combed at bath time.


Rachel November 15, 2012 at 10:01 PM  

What a special experience for Faith. Love seeing her get her hair done and sounds like the ladies just love her there!

Anonymous,  November 16, 2012 at 8:03 AM  

I love her hair braided and natural and touching the sky! It's awesome that you have someone to braid her hair for you! I'm gonna start calling her "Baity"!!

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